Bodegas Lunares was born from a family from Ronda passionate about everyone and wine tips, the Morales León family.
Ronda was always the land of vigneti, fine when after the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century the filossera arrived (insetto of American origin that arrived in Europe at the end of the scorso secolo and if it diffuses quickly in all and vigneti, it causes damage sia a livello radicale, sia a livello fogliare) coming from Malaga that announced the stragrande maggioranza of the European vigneto.
The cantina is located just 1 km from Ronda, and is part of a late 18th century building used for grape production. In this case, I distinguish 3 main zones, the production room, the research room in wooden botti and the tasting room.
From the property owned by the Morales León family, the main one is the "Lunares", which derives the name from the cantina and from some of the loro vini. The name of this wine comes from the altitude of the vigneto and from the name of another fattoria adiacente that is called "Altocielo"