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Raccolto precoce- Ecologico Day olio EVO – OTTOBRE 100% varietà Picual, fruttato olio con toni erbacei verdi e fruttati como la buccia di banana e mela. The palate is balanced with a slightly green, fresh and spicy flavor in the mouth. Finca Vista Alegre (Jaén – Spain) ECO-DAY Rappresentato dall'ape impollinatrice diurna fundamentale per l'agricoltura e l'alimentazione globale. Biological indicator of uliveti health. Climate change and the use of pesticides and insecticides in the environment. The “ECO-DAY” olive succo has a wide range of recipes with -Carni, in the preparation of all the pieces and tipi of piatti and preparations. -In the fish and fruit of the sea, there is raw material for the preparation of various sauces. Paste and pizze, in the preparation and seasoning of various pies. -Formaggi, semi-hard pasta and hard pasta (parmigiano, pecorino...). -Dessert, with semi-fuso cioccolato gelato with salt in scaglie.

Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Ecologico Day

VAT Included
  • 🫒 Size: 500 mL

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