VERDE PURO was born from the project of a young imprenditore from Jaén, the Andalusian city, Pedro Expósito Checa, who has combined his production of an extra virgin olive oil that is capable of dissipating all the essentials and needs of the market thanks to all its quality, diversity and innovation. .
The print is located in Andalusia precisely in the province of Jaén, where it is also located in all the plants.
Glivi ancestrali di taglio tradizionale sono quelli che compongono gli oltre 230 ettari di territory occupato dall' azienda.
Questi uliveti si found in a strategic enclave for the production and elaboration of olive succhi of eccellente quality, in the heart of the northern campaign of the province of Jaén, in the municipality of Torredelcampo.
The territory of Torredelcampo and the bordering community, represents a strategic location, not only for being a communication node with the main residential center of Andalusia but also with the center of Spain.
The climate in this area is determined to a large extent by clouds that traverse the East Penisola to the West and with the dominant wind, causing important peaks during spring and in the autumn. My last month is November-December and March-April. The dry period (state) is characterized by a Mediterranean climate, and results in the best period (respected by the geographical position), for the enjoyment of an oil with a very special aromatic quality, which can be used at average temperatures every year and if it is added to 16 and 18 ºC, with average precipitation of 550-700mm/year.
All fruits come together with mechanical macchinari, at room temperature, until the fruit is transported to the oven for 3 hours in such a way that the fruit is not at any temperature. The raccolta comes effettuata meccanicamente se que no c'è il rischio de danneggiare le olive e quidi ottenere un buon prodotto per sua successiva macinazione e ottenere EVO de alta qualità .
Gli uliveti sono irrigati nel 65% delle aziende agricole, which guarantees il raggiungimento and un regolarità eccezionali sia nella raccolta che nella qualità della stessa.
The agricultural service is equipped with the most modern technology and automation, so that it can be determined labor intensively such as irrigation per settori, taking into account the type of land, to apply less or less on the basis of the permeability of the land, all the pendenze, etc. .,
Il rispetto per l'ambiente circostante rappresenta un aspecto per il quale Verde Puro ha scommesso fin dalla sua nascita, sebbene non pratica l'agricoltura biologicala, la politica agricola dell'azienda è finalizzata alla produzione integrata, come ad esempio l'utilizzo degli scarti Proceed from the potature to use as organic fertilizer and avoiding the irrational use of erbicides.
Once sorted in the vase, the oil comes naturally decanted for around 15 days, so it comes filtered, so in this way it prevents the spurgo of the deposits and only prevents the eventual umidity and impurity from being decanted to ensure an effect. negative its evolution during the rest of the year.
It comes immediately after being transferred and preserved in serbatoi inertizzati with whip, at a controlled temperature in this cantina between 17º - 20º, immediately for its direct confezionamento.
In this way, the quality of the chimiche, other than the soprattutto of the organolettiche, remains unchanged throughout the year.